Dry Needle Therapy

The primary goal of dry needling is to release tension and promote healing by triggering a local twitch response in the targeted muscle fibers. This twitch response helps relax the muscle, reduce pain, and improve blood flow to the area. 

What to expect

  • Assessment: Before the actual dry needling begins, Dr. Chris will conduct an assessment of your condition. This may involve discussing your medical history, symptoms, and performing a physical examination to identify areas of muscle tightness or trigger points.
  • Informed Consent: Dr. Chris will explain the dry needling procedure, its potential benefits, and any associated risks. You will be asked to sign a consent form indicating your understanding and agreement to proceed. Please feel free to communicate openly with Dr. Chris throughout the session. If you have any concerns or feel uncomfortable at any point, let him know. 
  • Positioning: You will be asked to position yourself in a way that allows the practitioner easy access to the targeted muscles. This may involve sitting, lying down, or adopting a specific position depending on the areas being treated.
  • Needle Insertion: Thin, solid needles will be inserted into specific trigger points or tight bands of muscles. You may feel a brief discomfort or a sensation of pressure as the needles are inserted. It’s common for practitioners to use multiple needles during a session.
  • Local Twitch Response: The goal of dry needling is to elicit a local twitch response in the muscles. This involuntary twitch is a sign that the needle has reached a trigger point and is believed to help release tension in the muscle fibers.
  • Sensation: Some people may experience sensations such as tingling, warmth, or a dull ache during the needling process. These sensations are generally temporary and vary from person to person.
  • Duration: The entire dry needling session typically lasts between 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the complexity of the treatment and the areas being addressed.
  • Aftercare Instructions: After the needles are removed, Dr. Chris may provide you with instructions for post-treatment care. This may include recommendations for activities to avoid, self-care techniques, or any necessary follow-up appointments.
  • Potential Side Effects: It’s common to experience temporary soreness or bruising at the needle insertion sites. Serious complications are rare but may include infection or nerve injury. If you experience persistent or severe side effects, it’s important to contact BMC Family Chiropractic.
  • Healing Time: The body needs time to heal and recover between sessions, which is why Dr. Chris will typically see a patient for another session one week after their initial treatment. Overly frequent dry needling in the same area may not allow sufficient time for the muscles to respond and recover, potentially leading to increased soreness or discomfort. 

What to Wear

When preparing for a dry needling session, it’s essential to wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing. This choice of attire ensures Dr. Chris has easy access to the areas requiring treatment. 

For more information, please visit our FAQ page or contact us.