Embarking on a journey toward a career in healthcare is an exciting and commendable choice. However, the path to becoming a healthcare professional can take different routes, with medical school and chiropractic school standing out as two distinct avenues. At BMC Family Chiropractic, we understand the significance of choosing the right path for your aspirations, and today, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between medical school and chiropractic school.


  1. Rigorous Academic Training: Both medical and chiropractic programs demand a strong commitment to academic excellence. Students in both fields delve into core sciences, anatomy, physiology, and pathology to grasp the intricate workings of the human body.
  2. Clinical Experience: Practical exposure is a fundamental aspect of both medical and chiropractic education. Hands-on training, internships, and clinical rotations equip students with the skills necessary for patient care.


  1. Philosophical Approaches: Perhaps the most significant distinction lies in the philosophical approach to healthcare. Medical school adopts an allopathic perspective, focusing on diagnosis and treatment with pharmaceuticals, surgery, and other conventional methods. On the other hand, chiropractic school emphasizes a holistic approach, with a focus on the spine’s role in overall health and the body’s ability to heal itself.
  2. Educational Duration: Medical school typically requires four years of undergraduate education followed by four years of medical school. In contrast, chiropractic school generally takes around three to four years post-undergrad.
  3. National Boards: Both medical and chiropractic students must pass national board exams to practice. Medical students take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), while chiropractic students take the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) exams.

At BMC Family Chiropractic, we celebrate the unique path chiropractors take to contribute to healthcare. We believe in the power of spinal health and holistic care to enhance overall well-being, providing an alternative perspective that complements traditional medical approaches. Whether you choose the path of a medical doctor or a chiropractor, the commitment to improving lives remains the common thread in the diverse tapestry of healthcare professions.